Tip for Tuesday~My Fitness Pal

When it comes to my diet, I try to live by the 80/20 rule.  80% of what goes into my body is clean, nutritious and good while 20% is not so much.  I think we all have to cheat just a little.  Besides, I LOVE food!  However, this summer I feel like I've been living by the 70/30 or even worse 60/40 rule…lots of beach days, cocktails and good meals out to blame.  I gotta get back on track so I found this handy little app to keep me focused.  It's called My Fitness Pal.  

This app is awesome, let me tell you.  You enter all your info including your height, weight, goal weight, workout goals, etc.. and it comes up with a target caloric intake for you.  You track everything you eat and your exercise.  It has a huge database of food even Starbucks and other restaurants so it takes care of the calorie counting for you.  

Keeping a food journal is the best way to stay focused and hit your target weight.  Look at Carrie Underwood..

The girl writes down everything she eats and is very vocal about the fact that this technique is what took her from a size 6 to a size 2. She looks great and I just LOVE her!  She also eats gluten and dairy free claiming it gave her so much more energy and keeps her from feeling bloated or sluggish.  I am a FIRM believer in cutting dairy and gluten although I have been especially BAD this summer.  I will share with you later this week on why eating clean and cutting these out of your diet will make you look and feel SO much better.  

Ok, more on Carrie..Watched her on the CMA fest last night and I am obsessed with her outfit.  Headbands, fringe, cowboy boots and cut-offs make me so happy.  Gotta find a good excuse to rock this look.

As far as exercise, check out my blog posts on Running and Pure Barre.  This is all I do besides tennis which I don't even count as a workout because I love it so much.  That's the key with exercise..just do what you LOVE!

~Have a Fantastic and Healthy Week~

Beaucoup D'Amour,

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